The Spring hails the season for this wonderful vegetable delicacy. Once considered an expensive and ‘decadent’ luxury, it now is widely available in all supermarkets and better still, freshly picked from the local growers.
Green Asparagus with its succulent pea-like flavour, adds another depth to Summertime meals. Although delicious simply boiled for 3-4 minutes, keeping them a little ‘al dente’, with some good melted butter to coat its verdant stems, do try serving them char-grilled with dressed raw shavings as an alternative.
Trim the stems of their woody ends by lightly chopping with a knife until it cuts through easily. Coat in some olive oil and a little salt. Heat a ridged grill pan until beginning to lightly smoke then place them onto the hot surface. Turn after a few minutes when charred lines appear then cook for the same time on the other side until tender.
Place onto your serving dish and using a swivel peeler, shave strips from a fat, raw Asparagus over the cooked ones.
Whisk together some lemon juice, olive oil and salt and drizzle over the everything. Gorgeous !